Overview of integrated IT operation and maintenance service management plan

In the era of business on demand, enterprises continue to strengthen their information control capabilities through IT investment to enhance their competitiveness. IT not only serves the enterprise, but more importantly, IT will drive the development of the business and integrate IT and business. Under the trend, IT service management is becoming a key force driving the transformation of IT from a technology center to a service center. However, without a unified and automated management platform, companies in the informatization wave will soon be overwhelmed by their increasingly complex IT environment.

Xinan has advanced network technology advantages, rich industry experience and strong technical resources, combining ITIL methods with practical management experience, relying on IT infrastructure management, and integrating CMDB as the core. Chemical operation and maintenance management platform to achieve integrated monitoring, automated management, and process collaboration. Establish a rapid fault analysis and response mechanism, associate production and operation and maintenance processes, and form a complete IT service management solution.

The integrated IT service management solution can make full use of various management tools, data network operation status, reduce the complexity of network management, and fully realize physical/logic status monitoring, network health diagnosis, business impact analysis, and intuitive and convenient operation.

The IT service management solution is aimed at large enterprises and operators. It is a business-level and service-level IT management platform. IT service management is divided into five different service levels according to the business model. Each level includes its own application products and service methods. Technical requirements. The upper application requires support and services from the next layer.