Smart Cloud Data Center Solution

Humanity is gradually moving towards an intelligent era as new technologies and services rapidly emerge one after another, challenging enterprises to upgrade, expand, and reconstruct IT infrastructures. In addition, the increasingly wide application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies (such as facial recognition and machine learning) requires more heterogeneous computing resources such as GPU and FPGA. Increasing numbers of IT devices also pressures the need to improve energy savings and reduce emissions for data centers. It is therefore imperative to build high-performance, intelligent, and energy-saving cloud data centers.

FusionModule2000 Series Modular Data Center

FusionModule2000 is a next-generation modular data center solution with a complete integration of cabinets, power supply and distribution, cooling, cabling, management and other subsystems. It supports flexible deployment with single or dual row, cold or hot aisle containment. The maximum IT power density is 21 kW/rack.Single modules can be applied to small to medium data centers (total IT load ≤ 128 kW, area ≤ 300m2).Multiple modules can be used to construct a large data center to meet the requirement of large enterprises and government, finance and other industries.

Dehumidifying at low load rate down to 10%, ensuring the safe operation of IT equipment; excellent environment adaptability, stable operations under extreme conditions; circuit breaker with temperature monitoring and pre-alarm function, along with battery failure auto-shutdown function can reduce power-off rate by 50%.

Closely coupled cooling, efficient power system, PUE down to 1.45; aisle containment and separated hot and cold air, eliminating hotspots; integrated high efficiency UPS power system.

Standardized devices, modular architecture, on-demand deployment; integrated power supply and distribution, saving 1 IT to 2 IT cabinet spaces; remote and local intelligent management, mobile O&M.